IVT BlueSoleil 5.0.5 برنامج البلوتوث
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><tr><td vAlign=bottom width=75><table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=50 border=0><tr><td class=smallfont vAlign=top width=28></TD> <td class=smallfont style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: center 50%; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.hwaity.com/vb/images/misc/quotes/quote-bg.gif)" vAlign=center width="100%">اقتباس</TD> <td class=smallfont vAlign=top></TD></TR></TABLE></TD> <td style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.hwaity.com/vb/images/misc/quotes/quot-lr-bg.gif)" vAlign=bottom align=left></TD> <td vAlign=bottom align=right width="100%"><table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><tr><td width="100%"><table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><tr><td style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.hwaity.com/vb/images/misc/quotes/quot-top-bg.gif)" vAlign=center width="100%"></TD> <td class=smallfont vAlign=top align=left></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE> <table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><tr><td style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.hwaity.com/vb/images/misc/quotes/quoting-left.gif)" width=10></TD> <td vAlign=top width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff></TD> <td style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.hwaity.com/vb/images/misc/quotes/quoting-right.gif)" width=10></TD></TR> <tr><td style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.hwaity.com/vb/images/misc/quotes/quot-left-bg.gif)" width=10></TD> <td class=smallfont vAlign=top width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff>برنامج الBlueSoleil 5.0.5 هو نقطة تحوّل في تاريخ BlueSoleil ، بواجهة جرافيكيّة سهلة الاستخدام أكثر . بالإضافة إلى كلّ السّمات في نسخة بلوسولييل BlueSoleil، أكبر تغيير أنّ الBlueSoleil 5.0.5 لديهم واجهة جرافيكيّة مزدوجة، بلوسولييل جي الكلاسيكيّ و جوي مستكشف ويندوز . </TD> <td style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.hwaity.com/vb/images/misc/quotes/quot-right-bg.gif)" width=10></TD></TR> <tr><td vAlign=bottom width=10></TD> <td style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.hwaity.com/vb/images/misc/quotes/quot-bot-bg.gif)" width="100%"></TD> <td vAlign=bottom width=10></TD></TR></TABLE> |
Bu program ile her türlü Bluetooth cihazınızı kullanabilirsiniz...
BlueSoleil 5.0 is a milestone in the BlueSoleil history, with more user-friendly graphical interface. Besides all the features in BlueSoleil Standard version, the biggest change is that BlueSoleil 5.0 has dual graphical interface, classic BlueSoleil GUI and Windows explorer GUI.
Highlight Functions:
1. Support Bluetooth 2.0+EDR and 2.1+EDR.
2. Better support of multiple Windows accounts.
3."Send to" function. Right-click a selected file in explorer, to send the file to other
Bluetooth devices via the "Send to" popup menu.
1. Send by Bluetooth" and "set as default" functions in Microsoft Outlook.
2. "Create desktop shortcut "function. You can create shortcuts for devices and services on the desktop by
3. right-clicking the device or service icon. Dragging a device or a service icon and dropping it to the desktop can also create the shortcut.
4. Support 32bit OS.
5. CSR, ISSC main chipset compatible.
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